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If you’re wondering how to attract more office based customers to your food delivery business at a relatively low cost, you should try the new QR code menu.
2020 has been a year unlike any other before, that’s for sure… On the eve of 2021 we all are wishing to say goodbye to the problems of the past year and to find new opportunities to rebuild and improve our business. And while you’re looking for new inspiration, we hope these insights will give you some bright ideas on how to get even more from your organization in 2021.
First of all, there comes the inevitable adaptation to the new environment and the new habits of your customers. Everything related to safety, hygiene and disinfection is certainly already part of your daily routine. Most restaurants sought salvation in food supply in order to survive on the market. Of course, this relentless pursuit of adaptation leads to increasingly fierce competition.
2021 suggests that only the most resilient and inventive companies will continue to exist. Such companies are the ones that have already built a network of loyal customers, or turned for support to innovation and technology and managed to gain the trust of new customers. Technology companies on their own have tried to help by offering new solutions that contribute to distance, safety for staff and customers and most importantly, budget solutions that do not burden the business financially.

Such solutions are already well-recognized QR code menus. QR code menu is contactless, it could be placed everywhere of your choice (e.g. on the table, at the bar,, business cards, table cards, flyers, coasters, floor signs, window stickers, walls, chairs, on the traditional paper menu, social channels, absolutely everywhere). It could be scanned by every device only with one click, another great advantage is that the content of the menu is dynamic, managed via a user-friendly dashboard. On the whole it’s the new food delivery menu for the office, hotel room, home, and everywhere where the customer wants. First priority in 2021 for the food delivery companies will be an attraction of future and current customers in an extraordinary way. How will this happen? I will share with you now 5 surprising ideas, which would help you promote your loyal customers to top customers and to win a new one every day.
- Desk Calendar
I know it sounds so old-fashioned to attract customers with a calendar, but just think for a while… You could turn the retro desk calendar into a different vintage present with some element of sentiment and certainly it will be highly appreciated especially if this desk calendar for 2021 has original design with some travel pictures, food pictures, or why not movie posters. We all are missing so much travelling, restaurants and cinema in 2020, so for sure, everyone is waiting with so much hope and great expectations for 2021, isn’t it?! You could place discreetly your QR code menu on every page of this magical desk calendar and your new customers could check it every day by only one click with their smartphones. It’s as simple as that!
- Coffee Mugs
Did you ever think about the importance of the Coffee Mug for the office workers? This is the first thing, which they see in the early morning, it is placed on their desk all the time, the coffee mug is the last thing they see in the evening putting it in the washing machine, and in most cases the only thing they take with themselves when they change their job and say “Goodbye” to the previous one. Most of the office people are so attached to their coffee mugs, they get annoyed if their mug is used by someone else and they are very upset if the mug is broken. This is one of those incredible and inexplicable connections between human and object. So now, when you are aware of how important the coffee mug is, imagine how easy it could be if your QR Code menu is placed on the favorite thing on the desk. All you need is an interesting design and original location of the QR code.

- Piggy bank
Funny present but sometimes so necessary at the office. Office workers often save money for different purposes and causes. Most of the time they put the rest of the money for lunch in some jars or paper boxes, but if they have a real Piggy bank, it will be located in the central place at the office and it will be often used by everyone for sure. You could also combine this promotion present with some discount vouchers or gift vouchers. Team buildings, some fun gadgets for the office (like PlayStation), or traveling, there are so many reasons for money saving, why not this special bank vault to be designed with the logo and colors of your food delivery company, or to be built with a shape remembered of your brand and of course with your QR code menu.
- Tea Box
The second drink at the office after the coffee is tea. Herbal tea, fruit tea, green tea, black tea, hot tea in the winter. It is something like an office ritual. The office worker goes to the tea cupboard and chooses their favorite tea bag. It’s a daily routine for some office people. A lot of people prefer tea over coffee. Maybe it will look very eccentrically, but this gesture, (this present) will set you apart from the competition for sure. Wooden or paper box, no matter what kind of material you would choose for your tea box, it would be better to be recyclable with incredible design in order to stay in the office and to be used for a long time in the future. Fill this original box with a diverse combination of tea bags to attract every office customer and place your QR code menu somewhere on it, to be scanned by everyone in the office kitchen before the lunch break.
- Sticky Notes
It’s not a long term investment like the previous ideas, but honestly it is an original present. Sometimes companies have a great imagination to turn office supplies into a gift with an advertising element, you can be one of those companies. Sticky Notes are only an example, but there are so many important things on the desk of the office worker, of course forget about the pens and pencils, there is no space for QR code 😉 and here we are looking for an element of originality and surprise.
And now let’s summarize. Play the proactive part in the relationship with your customers. 2021 will be an year when companies cannot afford to be inert, to wait for interest from their customers, they cannot afford to lose customers due to proactive competition. So be generous but don’t waste your marketing budget aimlessly. Stand out the competition. The original idea is first of all. Office people tend to like original solutions, they will appreciate the gesture and will be loyal to you. Surprise them periodically, on holidays but not only, make them happy on a gray rainy day with something colorful. It has to be something beautiful that no one will ever decide to throw away. The investment is always worth it, you are investing in a future client. Make a gift to new customers, provide a discount rate from the first order, every gesture is important, but when it is original and surprising, it remains for longer.